Middle School Courses >

Sound Learning’smiddle school course offerings are laid out in a way that comprehensively prepares students for the rigor of high school classes, whether those take place with Sound Learning, in the home, or even in the public school setting.  They were the original class offerings when Tess Doornink and Joy Pope first started teaching the classes in 1993 and have had long-standing success in preparing students for the academics they will need in their continuing education.
Current classes are in BOLD

Life Science   
Earth Science 7th-8th grades (6th grade with instructor permission)

Composition  1- Following Narnia Volume 1 6th and up
Literature/Composition 1  7th -8th grades
Literature/Composition 2  8th-9th grades

Social Studies
American Studies  6th-8th grade
Ancient History  6th-8th grades

Math Basics 6th-8th
Pre-Algebra 7th and up
Algebra 1 8th and up